In effect, they felt compelled to stay with their employers
because they had an income and lifestyle that offset any job stress or
Being let go, for any reason, is a blow to the confidence of
anyone. But once they are laid off, almost 60% of them think they don’t need
any help with their job search and can figure it out for themselves.
In almost all cases, they are surprised, even shocked, to
discover how difficult it is to get another job with a similar compensation package…or
find an opportunity that stimulates them.
Before they know it, they are out of work for more than a
year, their savings are vanishing, and they soon realize that they need a job
But because they had no clear plan or motivation for a job
change or career move, the competition for interim jobs-to-get-by-and-pay-bills
is not only intense but often goes to individuals with less education and
experience because the risk that they will get something better in the short
term and move onto another employer is much lower.
We all know people in this situation. When we have good
jobs, we often feel powerless to change our situation, so we accept our Golden
Handcuffs as necessary…until we too get a pink slip. What is to be done?
If you are in such a situation or know someone who is, here
are a few tips to reduce your stress and increase your chances of making a
positive change more quickly and easily
- Pay Attention. Review your employer’s situation, keep your ear to the ground for any information, even gossip, that might reveal any threat to your job security, e.g. rumors to convert permanent jobs into independent contractors, temps, consultants, or freelancers. If you see any writing on the wall, ready yourself for job change, career change, self-employment, or early retirement
3. Take a Long View. Get a proper career assessment
done. Be sure you know the several dozen jobs that you are suited for, based
not only on your education & experience (which may have landed you into a
Golden Handcuffs role that cannot be replicated elsewhere), but of your talents
& motivations, your real value proposition!
4. Reflect on Unsavory Options. Although
self-employment is not for everyone, especially for individuals who do not
manage financial uncertainty well, thinking about how you could start a
business on your own or with partner(s)…it may prove more secure and rewarding
than being at someone else’s beck and call.
Network Forever. Any business is about
relationships. Join professional organizations, community groups, or just lunch
more frequently with friends to discuss the changing dynamics of our economy
and workplaces. Pay it forward, help out when you can because the contacts that
you nurture now can open doors when you unexpectedly need them.
6. Get Professional Help. The digital era is
ushering in new job search tools and techniques, and having an effect on how to
interview, negotiate, and strategize for better job opportunities. Engage a
career professional to update and upgrade your toolbox to optimize your chances
of making a successful move if or when the time comes.
Finally, don’t get complacent. Do a few things now to avoid
finding out the hard way how Golden Handcuffs can add stress and pain to your
life!. More information please visit site www.jobjoy.com
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