There is no
such thing as a perfect job where you are 100% happy and satisfied all the
time. The world is just not organized
that way! The key to career success is
to limit the downside of your job to 40% of your job duties. The downside of your job is performing grunt
work with `can do` skills that require much effort. The more you do grunt work, the more it
drains your energy.
that, at best, 60% of work hours will be challenging and will provide a sense
of growth and fulfillment. Great work is
when you are performing job duties that energize you. This means the upside of your work should
involve job duties organized around your natural talents. This is work you do with a flair, naturally
and effortlessly, and you need to be doing it at least 605 of the time in your
job if you want job satisfaction.
This 60/40
split becomes increasingly important as you grow older and have less energy
available to you. Career masters make it
look so easy precisely because their core job duties are performed naturally
and effortlessly. However, you need to
be aware of the likelihood that many times this ratio may slip to 40/60, in
which case you may feel drained by brief periods of routine work. This is nothing to be alarmed about as long
as the ratio returns to 60/40 in due course; if it doesn`t, you`ll need to take
authenticity in your work with a midlife career change is about correlating
your natural inclinations with specific job duties. Keep your job description aligned with what
makes you happy and productive in the workplace, so that you operate 60% of the
time in a mode that comes naturally and effortlessly to you. This 60/40 split will
energize you. This is how to make a
career change that will motivate and reward you over time.
Besides a
good jobfit, career satisfaction is often a result of being in work
circumstances that align with your values, priorities and preferences. For example, numerous studies point to the
following factors that influence satisfaction on the job: a lot of job security; relatively high incomes or
university degrees; self-employment or how much say you have over what you do
and the way you do it; small workplaces; the amount of time you spend commuting
or working at home; dealing with people; who controls the pace of work is
critical…tight deadlines and high-speed work are bad for satisfaction; small
freedoms - such as being able to move your desk or change the lighting.
As you can
see, jobfit and career satisfaction are influenced by many factors. But, clearly, the only true security is in
the authentic self. In terms of a
midlife career change, it is important to have a clear idea of who and what you
are, then make a commitment to a core set of talents and values when making
career decisions. In terms of job change advice--now may not be the time to
settle on a career choice but to explore different career options until you
have that `a-ha` experience of the right fit.
About Author:
George Dutch is a certified Job Change Expert For 20 years, I`ve helped over 3000 people just like you who felt lost or confused or trappeda and wanted a better job fit! Are you ready to change your job or career? And start working naturally and effortlessly so that you get ENERGIZED by your job instead of drained, dumped out, dumped on, or dead-ended? For more information:
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